Reading this article brought tears to my eyes. God's timing is perfect. For those who need a refresher, ECHO is the organization that Jon is raising money for in memory of his grandpa. He was the one who left behind some funds that has allowed Jon to hike the AT. And now that Jon is able to make a dream a reality, he wants to give back to an organization that meant so much to his grandfather. ECHO is making a difference by teaching farmers in poor countries sustainable farming techniques despite harsh conditions.
In light of the severe famine that has gotten worse over the past month in East Africa, I'm asking you to act. It's easy to sit back and be apathetic in our comfortable lives here in the U.S. But what if it were you or your child that was hungry? I want to encourage you to give up something this week. Perhaps the daily coffee at starbucks or maybe you want to fast for a meal. Instead, use that money to donate to ECHO. Not for Jon or for his grandpa. But for the people who are starving. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ and by giving however great or small to ECHO, you CAN make a difference.
To donate, simply follow the guidelines posted here.
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